

发布日期:2025-01-04 15:17    点击次数:117

近日,全球最知名的运动博主帕梅拉在中国某视频网站账号上更新了一条新运动视频,封面上赫然写着——“帕姐也来带练八段锦啦”。 图源:哔哩哔哩网站@帕梅拉PamelaReif Even if you haven't tried Pamela Reif's workouts, her name likely rings a bell — the German-born model is one of the world's most popular fitness influencers. Lately, she's been trying out something new: baduanjin , a traditional Chinese fitness exercise.  图源:哔哩哔哩网站@帕梅拉PamelaReif #起猛了看见帕梅拉在练八段锦#词条也冲上微博热搜。 西方面孔与中国古老健身方法的巧妙融合,让无数网友为之惊叹,“果然没有人能抵抗八段锦的魅力”。有网友更是直呼“中西合璧” “次元壁破了”。 A video of Reif doing baduanjin  has become a hit on Chinese social media, with many netizens leaving comments such as "Apparently, no one can resist the charm of baduanjin ". 图源:网友评论截图 八段锦的来历 那么这个八段锦到底有什么来历呢? 八段锦源自宋代,至今已有八百多年历史,是一种流传于民间的传统健身术。“八段”是指这一功法由八节动作组成,“锦”是指锦缎,体现功法动作优美柔顺、舒展大方。 Baduanjin  is one of the oldest health and fitness regimens in China, being originally created over 800 years ago during the Song Dynasty (960-1276). The name, literally meaning "eight-section brocade", generally refers to how the eight individual movements characterize and impart a silken quality to the movement of the body and its energy. 图源:澎湃新闻 和球类、游泳、健身房锻炼等对身体要求较高的运动相比,八段锦动作较慢、节奏舒缓,一直以来都被认为是老年人的专属健身项目。 图源:新华网 由于练习无需器械,不受时间、场地等因素的限制,加上动作简单易学,八段锦也受到越来越多年轻人的推崇。 Baduanjin   used to be popular mainly among older Chinese folks, but young people are now also getting into it.  尤其是长久对着电脑办公的年轻人,腰部和颈椎常感不适,八段锦是非常有效的运动。 No equipment is necessary and it requires very little space or, perhaps most importantly in our fast-paced lives, time. In fact, it's perfect for office workers, as they often suffer from lower back and cervical pain caused by hours sitting in front of the computer.  许多年轻的网友通过练习八段锦来锻炼肢体、关节、肌肉,改善情绪、睡眠。 图源:网友评论截图 有网友在相关教学视频下留言称,跟练1个月后,睡得更好,身体也更健康了。还有网友留言:“这个八段锦真的是我们中国人的智慧!” "I have been doing baduanjin  for about one month, which makes me sleep well and get stronger. I owe big thanks to baduanjin  since it gives me a much healthier lifestyle," a young netizen commented below the video. 中国文化与西方的交融 “收藏过就等于练过”。虽然很多粉丝观看帕梅拉的视频,或许并未真正付出行动,但这并不妨碍帕梅拉常年霸榜健身圈“顶流”博主的位置。 图源:哔哩哔哩网站 目前,她在哔哩哔哩视频网站已有超过1100万粉丝,在YouTube上有968万粉丝,帮助全球许多人健身塑型、增加能量、改善睡眠。 Reif's workout videos can rack up millions of views. In addition to a whopping 9.68 million followers on YouTube, Reif has established a presence on Chinese social media, including Bilibili, with more than 11.6 million followers. Showcasing her impeccably toned physique year-round, Reif has become an inspiration for many people worldwide, offering pathways to fat-burning, increased energy, and improved sleep quality. 但是,这次被顶上热搜的“梦幻联动”,与其说是流量博主推广八段锦,不如说是早已爆火的八段锦让帕梅拉在中国观众中的人气更进一步。 图源:网友截图 因为,八段锦火出圈,已经不是第一次了。 在某视频网站上,时长12分钟的《国家体育总局口令版八段锦》视频播放量将近1400万。 在跟练视频弹幕、评论区里,你可以找到上百万个志同道合的“在线锦友”。 不仅八段锦,在这波“复古运动潮流”中,五禽戏、易筋经、太极拳、长寿功等项目的行情都十分走俏。 某金刚功讲解视频播放量近800万  图源:哔哩哔哩 有人在练习后许下美好心愿:“今年22岁,希望70年后还能和评论区的各位再会。” 拒绝盲目跟风 尽管八段锦愈发流行,但和所有运动一样,也存在风险。一些专家表示,并非所有人群都适合练习八段锦,盲目跟风不可取。 上海中医药大学副教授刘晓丹提醒,练习八段锦应遵循安全第一的原则,存在跌倒风险的患者不宜训练。 But not all people are suitable for practicing baduanjin . Liu Xiaodan, an associate professor at Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, cautioned that people should always put safety first when doing baduanjin , and patients who are feeble and easily to fall should not take up this exercise. “练错倒不如不练。”有网友认为,八段锦练错,不仅没有功效,反而会加剧身体不适症状,而盲目练习也不可取。 图源:国家体育总局 从快节奏的暴汗搏击操到节奏舒缓的八段锦,运动方式的选择并不存在孰优孰劣,也没有替代之说。只有找到适合自己的方式并长期坚持,才能达到理想的健身效果。 对于早早加入国潮养生队伍的当代年轻人而言,保温杯不离手,八段锦养生整活,也是他们的一种选择。 No one could have expected that slow-moving qigong  has become ultra-trendy among Chinese young people. From online exercise to temple spiritual practices, young Chinese fall in love with qigong  and are keen to spread Chinese traditional fitness around the world. 你是否也想试试这种国潮养生方式呢? 来源:中国日报双语新闻 编辑:田梦瑶 吴雨霜(实习生)

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